As a traveler, do you maintain a budget? To keep this budget healthy, you have to make sure that you stay healthy yourself. Unexpected high medical bills could ruin a trip. Try to prevent these bills by taking good care of your body. These tips will teach you how to save money by being a healthy traveler.
You burn a lot of energy when you digest food. Try to fast frequently, preferably once a week. When you fast, your body does not have to spend energy on digesting. Instead, it can use that energy on unfinished maintenance work. Give your body that opportunity. Two of my favorite moments to fast are on Mondays, Metabolic Monday, or during specific moon phases, based on the belief that the moon can help cleanse the body, especially during a full moon or half moon.
When you fast, you will boost your health and save money because you do not have to spend it on food. Choose a day that works best for you. Doing it on Monday works well for me because I use it to kickstart my week by diving into my work without the distraction of food being there. However, if it feels better for you to fast on a day when you do not have to do many physical or stressful activities, like work, relocating, sightseeing, or meeting people, that is also okay. Such a day could be Sunday, for example.
Remember that each day has its pros and cons. Fasting during workdays might interefere with your work, but remember that weekends are often moments you hang out with friends or family, which also could make it challenging. Take the time to find a day that works best for you and your (travel) schedule.
Avoid unnecessary junk food
Modern society has turned us into shackled consumers. We constantly buy and eat foods that we do not need. Do you want to be in it for the long run? Then keep away from the chocolates, the cookies, the chips, and all those other unnecessary junk foods. You do not need those products and will save money when you are not buying them. That also counts when you are on the road.
Yes, it might be more challenging to find the healthiest products while traveling, but it is worth trying to locate them and choose them over quick snacks that are more readily available. Alternatively, a trip to your next destination might be a good moment to do your fast if you can take the hunger and do not need to spend too much energy going from point A to B.
Eat and drink in moderation
Besides fasting, eat and drink in moderation. Eat moderate meals and stop before you feel full. Do not keep eating all day long but eat at regularly scheduled times. Only eat two to three times a day (preferably two), and stop eating a couple of hours before bedtime. That will allow your body to digest the food while you are awake.
Digesting food during your sleep is unhealthy. Your body is burning energy because it needs to digest the food. Undertaking that process while sleeping can tire you even after sleeping. By eating in moderation, you also save a lot of money.
Treat your body like a temple
You must maintain a healthy lifestyle when you are going to travel for a long time. Take good care of your body. Clean your teeth carefully, consume healthy products, exercise regularly, and protect yourself against diseases and infections.
A high dentist or hospital bill could unexpectedly take a big chunk out of your travel budget. Try to prevent problems instead of resolving them. Medical care might be the highest cost that you encounter on your travels. Therefore you must treat your body as a temple as much as possible.
These thoughts are my own
My health tips are for travelers and people who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle back home. These described health tips are my thoughts and opinions based on my experiences. It could be that they benefit you, but it could also not be. Take my tips as a starting point, and always seek contact with health professionals when necessary. They can help you create eating, fasting, and exercise methods that specifically apply to your body and needs.
More Information
- On this site you find more information about the moon. A particiulair section describes the moon diet. In this section you learn more about fasting in combination with certain moon phases, and the cleansing effect this can have on the body.
- why-not-treat-your-body-like-temple: There are many ways how you can treat your body like a temple. Blogger Shannon Ables describes a few methods in her post on which I agree.
Do you treat your body like a temple? How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle and budget?